Ealing Croquet Club

A Member of Croquet England

Connect with us

The Pavilion, Lammas Park, Culmington Road,
Ealing, London W5 5JH


ECC shortlisted for Ealing Sports Inclusive and Active Awards



We’re delighted to have been shortlisted for this award. Here’s the nomination we submitted:

“Ealing Croquet Club has worked enthusiastically to demonstrate its belief that croquet can be of value to a much wider population than those who traditionally play, and has encouraged participation by those who might normally be daunted by mainstream sport. The Club has arranged opportunities for all ages and abilities to play together, increasing social interaction between diverse groups of players. It aims to attract new members who reflect the community better, including people who would not normally take part in sporting activities and who may be isolated because of physical or mental illness, or perhaps through their own inactivity. Over the last year, in partnership with a number of youth groups and charities, ECC held sessions for young people and adults with learning difficulties. It trialled the use of specialised wheelchairs in order to prove that croquet was accessible for those with mobility issues and developed a modification of the conventional croquet court layout using brightly coloured cones, for players who found hoops too challenging. All last year’s initiatives resulted in repeat bookings for the current season and once restrictions are eased the Club will resume its negotiations with the local social prescribing link worker about arranging sessions for those who are socially isolated in the area. The Club is also keen to investigate further a proposed partnership with another organisation to develop a 30-week ‘fitness and croquet’ programme for a women’s group. Whilst being active locally, lobbying by ECC members has also directly influenced the sport’s national body, the Croquet Association, to promote a more inclusive image of croquet.”

And here’s our reaction to the news:

“We were thrilled to hear that Ealing Croquet Club had been short-listed for this year’s ‘Inclusive and Active Award’. This acknowledges the efforts the club has made to widen access to croquet, particularly for those who – for whatever reason – don’t normally take part in sporting activities. Our main focus over the past year has been to engage with young people who have disabilities or additional needs, including wheelchair users, and to come up with ways of adapting the game to allow them to join in. We also welcomed two Acton youth groups to the club. Croquet is a game that all ages and abilities can play together and provides opportunities for wider social interaction between different groups in the community. It has been our pleasure to share our passion with others.”